Have you heard of the 5 Languages of Apology?
According to Gary Chapman who wrote the book if we had a perfect world there would be no need for apologies, but in our daily lives, we cannot live without them.
The need for apologies influences all human relationships and can start the restoration process when a relationship has been fractured.
However, as Gary Chapman has discovered we each have our own apology language and sincere apologies are not always received as being sincere because we do not hear it in our own language.
Here are the 5 different languages and I would encourage you to determine what your spouses is so you can speak their language when saying you are sorry. Click here to learn more:
Expressing Regret “I am sorry”
Excepting Responsibility “ I was wrong”
Making Restitution “What can I do to make it right?”
Genuinely Repenting “ I’ll try not to do that again”
Requesting Forgiveness “Will you please forgive me?”
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