Men and Women are different

by Earnie

It is interesting how God designed men and women differently. Often these differences can be frustrating to our mate and lead to conflict, but the different designs are for very good reasons.

Men tend to focus on one thing at a time, like a laser beam. They can be working on something and exclude everything around them. This is good when going into battle or having to work to complete a project on time. However this trait can be frustrating if your wife is trying to get your attention.

On the other hand women are more like radar and know almost everything going on around them. They can more easily multitask and take in information from multiple places. When in the kitchen cooking dinner she also needs to have an ear out for where the children are and when the dryer signal goes off. This is wonderful for getting things done around the house and dinner on the table, but can be challenging when your husband is feeling neglected.

Try to find a time and focus all our attention on your spouse.

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