Unexpected Change

by Earnie

The winds of change blow throughout our life, sometimes gently, sometimes like a hurricane.  However, change is unavoidable, and often desirable. When the winds of change begin to rustle, we are not certain the change is for the better and we may resist it.  We tuck our head down, buck the storm, and hope that things will quickly calm down, getting back to the way things were.  Do you think that during this time when we are bucking the storm and feeling the pressure that we are actually being prepared by God for the change that is coming?  However, for those of us who believe God has a plan for our lives, the penetrating impact of an unexpected change in our lives can be temporarily shocking and disabling. 

As I am going through a period of uncertain change right now, I reflected back on a marriage retreat we recently attended.  One of the speakers was Gary Smalley and he told one story after another where throughout his long life unexpected change hit him hard.  He learned that the best way to cope with an undesired impact in his life was to realize that God has a plan for his life and he needed to have a view of the problem that matched that view. 

Mr. Smalley’s decision to respond to the hard hitting change was to simply say “Yay” and go forward to deal with the present change. 

Change will stretch and grow us in order to take us where we need to go.  So just say “Yay” when it hits you.  We can trust that God will change us specifically to deal with what He has planned for us in the future.  Yay!  Even when we do not know where the changes are leading, we can trust that the changes taking place are good and will take us where we need to go.  Yay!

Dear God help me to surrender, trust, and accept, even if I do not understand. 


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