I was listening to a podcast by Joyce Meyer and she said something that caught my attention – “Love is not a mere feeling; it is a decision about how we will behave and treat people.” So often, I have heard people say I just do not know if I love them anymore. If what Joyce says is true then it is not how I feel about a person that is what love is, but how I treat them. When I choose to be patient, kind, not proud or rude but trusting and hopeful I love that person.
If love were just an emotion, God would not have commanded us to do it. You cannot just demand someone have an emotion. I cannot tell you to be happy; it is not something you can do on cue. Love being a decision we make to behave in a certain way gives me hope. I can always choose to change my attitude to love someone. By showing him or her patience, kindness, hope and trust, I am displaying my love.
What are some other implications if love is not a feeling, but a choice we make?
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