Deciding to Change

by Earnie

When we decide to make a change in our life we will get challenging reactions from people.  Making a decision to change can take some time to make, especially if it is a significant life direction decision.  Hopefully, this decision should take some time to formulate and is not a quick emotional reaction. 

Beginning to change your life will generate resistance from some when you tell them about the change and begin implementing the change.  You should expect some people to not understand your decision, even after explaining it to them.  They might even feel hurt by the change.  When you begin, you will implement new boundaries which will impact them.  They may experience discomfort but this will be healthy for them as you demonstrate your strength by implementing your decision.  You may feel guilty or second guess your decision but don’t give in when they test your new boundaries.  If you are uncomfortable about how best to do this, you can utilize the emotionally defusing communication technique taught in our communication workbook.

This testing by others of your decision brings you and others strength to be proactive in everyone’s life.  The good news is that you will feel better over time as you continue to move forward.  Your life will be more balanced and peaceful.


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