Personal Values Clarification Worksheet
The following is a list of personal values many people consider to be important to their lives. Consider each value carefully, adding more if you like, then rate each one on its degree of importance to you at this time in your life. Use the scale below:
1: Not at all important to me
2: Not very important to me
3: Moderately important to me
4: Very important to me
5: Essential to me
___ Justice The quality of being impartial or fair; righteousness; conformity to truth, fact, or reason; to treat others fairly or with equality.
___ Altruism Regard for or devotion to the interests of others.
___ Recognition Being made to feel significant and important; being given special notice or attention.
___ Pleasure The agreeable emotion that accompanies the possession or expectation of what is good or greatly desired; stress satisfaction or gratification rather than invisible happiness.
___ Wisdom Ability to discern inner qualities and relationships; insight; good sense; judgment.
___ Honesty Straightforwardness of conduct; integrity; uprightness of character or action.
___ Achievement Accomplishment; attainment of a desired end or aim; a result brought about by resolve and persistence.
___ Autonomy The ability to be a self-determining individual; personal freedom.
___ Wealth Abundance of valuable material possessions or resources; affluence.
___ Security Always having enough money to pay the bills and afford basic creature comforts.
___ Power Possession of control, authority, or influence over others.
___ Morality The belief in and keeping of ethical standards.
___ Love Affection based on admiration or benevolence; warm attachment, enthusiasm, or devotion; unselfish devotion that freely accepts another and seeks that other’s good.
___ Aesthetics The appreciation and enjoyment of beauty for beauty’s sake.
___ Health The condition of being sound in body; freedom from physical disease or pain; the general condition of the body; well-being.
___ Skill The ability to use one’s knowledge effectively and readily in execution of performance; having technical expertise.
___ Emotional Freedom from overwhelming anxieties and barriers to Well-Being effective functioning; peace of mind; inner security; self-respect.
___ Knowledge The seeking of truth, information, or principles for the satisfaction of curiosity, for use, or for the power of knowing.
___ Spirituality A focus upon matters of the soul; communion with, obedience to, or activity in behalf of a higher being.
___ Loyalty Maintaining allegiance to a person, group, institution, or political entity.
___ Family Maintaining strong relationships with spouse or partner, children, and family of origin; commitment to the wellbeing of family members.
___ Friendship Experiencing a deep sense of trust with another that results in emotional intimacy and easy companionship.
___ Creativity The ability to be original or imaginative, to go beyond existing paradigms; the power to create, express, or produce something new.
Make it a point to find a way to honor your 4s and 5s in your personal and
professional life. Repeat this exercise every 5-10 years and make sure your
career is keeping up with your personal growth!
(original source unknown)
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