Not Getting What You Want?

When you have a desire for something, yet it does not seem to be happening – how do you respond?  Are you frustrated and taking it out on everyone around you or do you allow God to complete His plan and do things in His own timing?  Waiting on God’s timing I think is one […]

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It has amazed me at the amount of time we can spend on worry.  Worry can become such a habit that it can take over our lives and can cloud our outlook on what is going on around us.  The energy we expend on worrying does not affect the situation, nor does it change the […]

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Mind Reader

Unfortunately humans were not given the gift of mind reading when they were created.  We cannot read our spouse’s mind and they cannot read our thoughts either.  Yet there are times we expect our spouse to read our minds.    We often assume that if we see or feel something that our spouse see’s or feel’s […]

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God’s Will for Me

One of the biggest questions people ask is “how do I know I am making the right decision?”   That is somewhat different for each individual but over the years I have developed a little check list to help me increase the likelihood that my decision will be a good one.  My checklist is based on […]

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7 Tips for Men from Women

1.  Talking Solves Problems: First thing to realize is that men and woman may approach problem solving problem differently.  She may work through the problem by simply talking about it.  She does not want you to fix it unless she asks you to solve it.  All she needs is for you to listen and empathize […]

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7 Tips for Wives from Men

1.     Be Direct:  Men are not mind readers and cannot pick up on subtleties like a woman can.  We are very concise when we talk with other men and even communicate in grunts!  So be specific when you talk with us. 2.     Respect us:  We don’t need your love as much as we need your […]

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Problem People

Every once in a while I run into someone that just really irritates me to no end.  There is something about their voice, or the way they act, or some issue they keep harping on incessantly that just drives me nuts!  They want to change the way I think or do something and needless to […]

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What’s Important to You?

Personal Values Clarification Worksheet The following is a list of personal values many people consider to be important to their lives. Consider each value carefully, adding more if you like, then rate each one on its degree of importance to you at this time in your life. Use the scale below:  1: Not at all […]

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Deciding to Change

When we decide to make a change in our life we will get challenging reactions from people.  Making a decision to change can take some time to make, especially if it is a significant life direction decision.  Hopefully, this decision should take some time to formulate and is not a quick emotional reaction.  Beginning to […]

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Before You Quit

At some point most people wonder if their marriage is going to make it.  They are frustrated and just don’t know what else to do to make things better.  They’ve tried everything they can think of to change things but just can’t make a difference.  If you are at this point, you are experiencing a […]

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